PACE Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Growth Outlined in National Academy of Medicine Publication

Intus Care

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The National Academy of Medicine recently released a prepublication report titled, “Valuing America’s Health: Aligning Financing to Award Better Health and Well-Being.” The publication gives an overview of the decline in life expectancy in the U.S., despite high health care spending, and highlights opportunities to transform the current health care system to promote whole person care.

Among the opportunities detailed in the publication, The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) model of care is noted as an initiative that ensures “the most underserved members of society have equitable access to economic and social support interventions,” (pg. 55).  

The authors note the benefits of community-based whole person care which helps participants, their families, and caregivers. In addition, participants have access to coordinated, cross-sector interdisciplinary teams of providers to participants. PACE currently benefits 55,000 seniors, of which 95% live in their communities, through more than 270 PACE organizations across 30 states.

Gain deeper insight into PACE’s excellence through Intus Care’s PACE metrics. Over the last four months, Intus Care has tracked key metrics aggregated from over 45+ PACE (Program for All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) programs across 16 states that we proudly partner with on software and services.

The publication notes some of the barriers to wider dissemination of the PACE model including start-up and expansion costs for providers, resource-intensiveness, narrow beneficiary population, lack of flexibility for benefits packages and financing, and high cost for regulatory compliance.

The authors suggest that Congress could address the concerns and require CMS to test expansion of the model to other populations as well as additional funding support to help scale the PACE model.

Given the extraordinary outcomes of PACE programs, Intus Care supports expansion of the model to support more older Americans, as well as additional new populations.

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